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Live More Comfortably-Fresh Air Breathe It

  • Is the temperature of your home consistently inconsistent?
  • Are you constantly playing with your thermostat?
  • Are you worried about the health of your home?

Comfort 2Now is the perfect time to start thinking about how to improve the comfort of your home as the temperature starts to drop. Our goal at Comfort by Kodiak is to create a healthy, comfortable and efficient indoor environment for you.

A common myth to increasing the comfort of your home is to replace the windows, think- ing this will reduce the drafts, air leakage, and save you money on energy bills. Although this may be somewhat true, windows typically only account for about 10% of air leakage issues. We take your entire home into consideration when finding air leaks, because your home works as a system. Tight buildings reduce energy costs by preserving the heated air and ensuring the performance of insulated systems. Through energy audits, with a blower door test, we are able to determine what areas of a home need to be sealed to reduce leakage.

However, efficient buildings without ade- quate ventilation trap humidity and indoor pollutants that negatively affect our health. These pollutants include microbes found in carpet, household chemicals, radon, formalde- hyde, molds, lead and volatile organic chemi- cals. Many of us suffer from health issues such as frequent colds, headaches, lethargy, and asthma due to poor indoor air quality without realizing the cause. A steady supply of fresh air is needed so we can breathe easily and safely. In the high country, heat recovery ventilation is the most efficient and effective choice.

You deserve to breathe in the fresh air! If comfort, health, and resource efficiency is important to you, then we urge you to consider this inverse relationship. Consult with our professional energy auditors about your home’s specific condition.

DSC07340Here is an example of a leaky home. Ice dams are formed when warm air escapes into the attic, melting snow into water, and re-freezing the water on the eave and in the gutters. Heat should be retained in your living area during the winter, and not wasted on your roof. At Comfort by Kodiak, we improve these issues every day. Contact us to see how we can help you live more comfortably.

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